Modern Asset Tracking for the Aluminum Industry

GO2 Material ID combines the latest asset tracking technology with a deep understanding of the aluminum industry. That means we can deliver better solutions - reducing the time and cost  while delivering more benefit than other solutions.

The problems we solve in the aluminum industry include:

  • Illegible Labels, Tags or IDs – Handwritten identification, often nothing more than chalk on coils and slabs, can easily become unreadable. Human error is another problem. Transpose a number in the code, or use the wrong number, and you have a break in asset tracking your production team will need to overcome.
  • Missing Labels – Not all labels are created equal. The wrong adhesive can cause a label to fall and be lost. Labels can also be mistakenly pulled off, especially during transport, leaving you with a batch that has to be scrapped or re-identified.
  • Unreadable Labels – A scrape can remove critical information from a barcode or make a label unreadable. Ink can also fade or be smudged, leaving you with missing information. At this point, you’ll need to spend time re-identifying the asset, or you’ll have to put your trust in guesswork.
  • Lost Coil or Ingot – An ingot or coil can go missing in production or in the yard – another example of a lack of production visibility. Time and resources are wasted tracking down the missing asset, or you eat the cost of a new shipment to the customer.
  • Mis-Shipments – The wrong order can be shipped to the customer, and you end up paying for a new shipment and the return – compounding the cost of the mistake. Mis-picks can also lead to quality issues and rejected parts, problems that hurt your bottom line.
  • Inefficient Labeling Processes – In this age of shorter production times and hyper-efficiency, a mistake can happen when a liner doesn’t release from the label. The wrong adhesive can leave your team scrambling to solve a problem in the middle of production. Inefficiency is waste.

Custom Solutions for your Production Processes

While we’ve covered only a few of the problems here, every plant and production team is different.

This is why every order with GO2 starts with an expert consultation. We work with you to understand your processes and identify your requirements. The goal is always the best possible solution – a custom solution designed around your needs and requirements.

Finding and implementing the best, most sustainable solution is easier with GO2. We work with the industry leaders in label and tagging, allowing us to select and use the best possible products. With buying power and relationships across the industry, we can bring you the lowest possible price. You aren’t forced into one product line when another vendor may offer a better solution. Our goal is to deliver real solutions, not just sell you products.

Get control of production with modern asset tracking that works. Contact the experts at GO2 today.